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railway approvals @ InnoTrans 2024


Together with our partner ERC.Rail, we will be present at InnoTrans 2024 and look forward to your visit! 

Insight into the inputs of our colleagues in the "rolling stock" subsystem


Here we see our colleagues from the rolling stock subsystem auditing the production of a freight car in Slovakia.

As Notified Body we operate throughout Europe!

We have issued our 500th certificate!


We grow!


We are therefore looking for the next possible date at our location in Hanover, Minden or Berlin:

- Engineer in the field of EMC, radio and electrical installations (m/f/d)

- Engineer in the field of auditing (m/f/d)

Haven't found the right job yet?
Take a look at our current job advertisements under "Career" or send us your informative speculative application to

New meets historic - moving into the Gasometer Berlin


We are pleased to open our new location in the historic Gasometer at the EUREF-Campus in Berlin-Schöneberg!

Where city gas used to be stored and political and social issues were later discussed, our colleagues now ensure greater safety and interoperability on Europe's railways.

As a young team with a wealth of expertise, we represent a breath of fresh air in an industry with a long history.

New framework agreement with SBB


Conversion projects on their own vehicle fleets are a major challenge for all operators in order to keep up with the times, both technically and in terms of passenger experience and accessibility.
The conversions require a conformity assessment by a Notified Body or DeBo.

We are proud to be able to support the SBB CFF FFS passenger transport approval team with our conformity assessments as a new framework agreement partner.
We will also receive AsBo support from our partner ERC.RAIL and can therefore offer all the services of the three independent bodies.

We look forward to working together and to many exciting projects.

Standardization and committee work by Railway Approvals employees


In Bezug auf Standards und Regelwerke immer auf dem neusten Stand zu bleiben, spielt für uns als Zertifizierungsstelle eine zentrale Rolle. Hierfür besuchen unsere Kolleg:innen nicht nur Fortbildungen und Seminare, sondern engagieren sich auch in der Normungs- und Gremienarbeit.

Wir freuen uns, dass wir in der vergangenen Woche Gastgeberin für den Normungsausschuss DIN FSF Brandschutz an unserem Standort Minden sein durften.
Neben der Sitzung des Ausschusses gab es auch eine interessante kurze Führung durch einige der in Minden beheimateten Prüflabore der DB Systemtechnik sowie eine Besichtigung des Rekord-Triebzuges ICE V, der auf dem Gelände ausgestellt ist.

Thanks for your donations


A big thank you to everyone who took part in the charity raffle at our anniversary celebration and made generous donations! You made it possible for us to hand over a donation of €788 to the Berlin City Mission, which is supported by the Deutsche Bahn Foundation. Together we are making the world a little better! 

Copyright: DB AG / Volker Emersleben

Our 5th birthday!


Last Thursday we celebrated our 5th company anniversary!

Our celebration was a journey through the history of our company, characterized by exciting presentations about the origins of Railway Approvals, which involved a few bureaucratic obstacles but also some anecdotes. The guests included founding helpers, inspectors and employees, all of whom make and have made an important contribution to our success.

We didn't just celebrate our birthday. One of the highlights of this special day was our charity raffle. The donations will go to the Berlin City Mission, which is supported by the Deutsche Bahn Foundation.

We will announce the amount raised shortly.

Thank you to everyone who accompanied us on this incredible journey. Here's to the next 5 years!


Insight into the work of our colleagues in the subsystem "Vehicles"


Here we see the "advanced TrainLab" - a DB AG experimental train for testing the latest technologies in rail transport.

As part of the funded project "AI methods in condition monitoring and needs-based maintenance of rail vehicle structures - KI-MeZIS"), Digitale Schiene Deutschland, together with its partners from the Group, industry and research, aims to test concepts for equipping trains with state-of-the-art sensor technology that enables precise perception of impact and rollover events. The aim of the project is to tap the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) methods in this task area.

In order to be able to flexibly connect various sensor setups on the external structure of the vehicle with the technology inside, 3D-printed cable ducts (Siemens Mobility) were mounted on the outside of the "advanced TrainLab" test train.

Since even these supposedly small measures are relevant to safety and thus have to comply with the relevant requirements, we were commissioned as NoBo and DeBo with the conformity assessment against TSI LOC&PAS as well as NNTR for Germany.

The photo was taken within the scope of the "product test" according to module SF, where our colleague checks the implementation of the mounted cable ducts (MSG) directly on the vehicle according to the requirements.

The revisions of the TSI are published


As a certification body, our great news is usually a bit dry:
Today, the Official Journal of the EU L222 published the Implementing Regulations (EU) 2023/1693, (EU) 2023/1694 and (EU) 2023/1695 and the Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/1696.
Is this important?
Behind this are revisions of the TSIs (Technical Specifications Interoperability). Since all TSIs are affected, this package is sometimes also referred to as the "TSI megapack".
Because we as technicians are not so good at writing exciting texts, we asked ChatGPT to help us to make an exciting message out of it:

Well... the highlights:
Fall is just around the corner and we are full of anticipation for the release of the new TSI (Technical Specification Interoperability)! 🍂🍁 As a proud certification body and accredited Nobos and Debos, we are well prepared to review and certify these groundbreaking innovations! 💼🔍
What are TSIs, you ask? Well, it doesn't just stand for "Technical Super Innovations", it also stands for "Total Super Insane!" because these new innovations are truly insane! 🤯
It will be an exciting time of innovation and opportunity for all Nobos and Debos! 🎉🤩
So, get ready to take your mobility to a new level. 🚀

Ok, maybe we should have put a little more effort into the prompt. 
But we have a lot of work to do now to adapt our testing criteria to the new rules coming into force in 20 days... and we'd rather not leave that to an AI (at the moment).

Photo: Deutsche Bahn AG / Stefan Wildhirt

Extension of our recognition in the ZZS subsystem


It is done and we are very pleased, because this month we have successfully extended our scope of recognition for our Notified Body (NoBo) and Designated Body (DeBo in Germany). 
In the future, our technical experts in the ZZS subsystem (control-command and signalling) will be able to carry out conformity assessments for a wide range of topics in the specialist areas of track vacancy detection, train protection systems including integration in the vehicle and radio systems.
Many thanks to all the supporters we could count on during our expansion process. We are looking forward to new, exciting projects that will advance the #digitalization of the railroad system!

Photo: Deutsche Bahn AG / Max Lautenschläger

Insight into the work of our colleagues in the infrastructure subsystem


Here we see a colleague inspecting the track during our certification project "Track renewal between Blumenberg and Hadmersleben with a switch renewal in Hadmersleben".
Our team of the infrastructure subsystem checks in the form of a plausibility check whether the implementation planning corresponds to the actual construction work.
The inspection criteria for us as a notified body are, for example, clearance gauge, track spacing and the interoperability components (data of the sleepers/rails/rail fastening systems).
The inspection was carried out as part of the TSI phase "Construction" at the request of our customer.
We have already certified three traffic stations along the Magdeburg Hbf - Halberstadt line. The EC inspection of a track plan adaptation of a station on this line will also be carried out in the coming year.

Culture workshop and visit at "Miniaturwunderland"


A while ago, our culture workshop took place in Hamburg. The aim of the workshop was to discuss the need for optimization in our processes and to reflect on our corporate culture. In the process, we developed creative approaches to solutions and gained valuable inspiration for our teamwork.
Since the fun and personal exchange among each other must not be neglected at such events, the evening was rounded off with a discovery tour through the "Miniaturwunderland" and a delicious dinner.
The time spent together showed us once again how great our team is and that our culture is particularly based on courage, appreciation and passion.

Start of the year at Railway Approvals


By now, all Railway Approvals colleagues have returned from their Christmas vacations and the certification business is back in full swing. 

We are looking forward to a very special year, since this year we are celebrating our 5th anniversary. The planning for our anniversary event has already started and we can be excited.


The Railway Approvals team wishes you a Merry Christmas


Last week, the Railway Approvals team got together for the last time this year. We also welcomed our new colleague joining us this month and colleagues joining us in January 2023 to our Christmas party.
Together we strolled through the Christmas market in Hanover, sat together and feasted.
We reflected on the year and looked forward to an exciting year of 2023, in which we will continue to expand.

DB_SYSTECH_RAG_deutsch_dinlang_sparkle (002)
DB_SYSTECH_RAG_deutsch_dinlang_sparkle (002)

Practical training at Railway Approvals


Despite the icy cold, an intensive training course on the subject of "vehicle markings" was held at our location in Hanover last week. After an initial intensive theoretical part, the participants went to the main station wearing gloves, hats, winter jackets and, of course, the newly arrived RAG warning vests. Here, what had been learned before was compared with examples on real vehicles.

We would like to thank our cooperation partner ERC.RAIL GmbH for this great and very practical training!

Extension of recognition scope as Designated Body


We have successfully extended the scope of recognition for our Designated Body (DeBo) in Germany. In future, our technical experts in the infrastructure subsystem may also assess conformity with the recently notified rules on platform height (S-Bahn) and standard clearance (S-Bahn).

This means that we are able to carry out the assessments according to all notified national technical rules (NNTR) for the infrastructure subsystem in Germany.

We would like to sincerely thank all those who have participated in the extension procedure and are already looking forward to new, exciting projects!

Railway Approvals at InnoTrans


This year, for the first time, RAG will have its own booth at InnoTrans in Berlin.

Visit us on the open-air site | O/650

Railway Approvals recognised as DeBo in Switzerland since May 2022


Since 03.05.2022, RAG has been recognised as a Benannte Beauftragte Stelle (BBS) according to Article 15v Approach 2 EBV in Switzerland. This is the status one holds as a DeBo (Designated Body) in Switzerland.

We are pleased to be able to offer you NoBo services and DeBo services throughout Europe in Germany, Luxembourg and now even in Switzerland.